I have done these some sort of few months ago.
These were actually the accumulation of things I CAN do in life so far. Here's one big shot here for my Divine Master again - for the gift, the talent and aspirations.
Since childhood I have been enchanted with lots of robotic stuff - things that has something to do with technological fan pop art or something like that. This time I see it cool to design one or two for me.
The designs were my ad for the services I can render. I found the designs something cool and minty. They give a combi of humanoid metallic hand and a luscious green background giving it a friendly contrast between naturalism and far fetching industry.
I noticed the icons are cool too!
They were courtesy of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
For the past few days I have been doing few of these designs for a Catholic Charismatic community called THE FEAST. I've just been so thankful from Above for good shots of skills lent in me.
Few of these designs are larger than life. They measured 13 feet by 16 feet. Never have I been doing designs these big and these sizable. My core-i3 4 cores and 4 channels active complained to the point of freezing due to the bulk of the files.
It took me 40 hours and 40 winks to finish all the designs together with my colleague at the other side of the balance. I have a resounding gun salute for you, ha ha ha!
Just wonder why Photoshop Creative Suite didn't come up with a macro scale document sizes? At 30 thousand pixels by 30 thousand, a single file would give me a whooping billion bytes at around 3.7 gigabytes, TIFF format, 72 standard resolution at 13 by 16 feet size. The size is already considered at a billboard scale.
Whatever that is, these Photoshop things give me hefty occupation by now.
Adobe rocks!
Just wanna thanks heavens for the gracious gifts of camaraderie and friendship. All that is left behind after an hour or two of bonding is the undying taste of one of my childhood junky food stuff - PeeWee; juggled with Generoso Brandy which has played extinct after the bottom's been up.
Two glasses of perennial Filipino style of drinking - a swoop of brandy and a gulp of chaser - that's how it's done here!
Just been so thankful for this round table where we usually meet, eat and merry together with my uncompromising colleagues. Unfortunately, they left before this shot was taken. They're actually sleeping like a rock as this was being uploaded.
Those two laptops where instrumental in our slack time - hooked up together - then we're good to go for an hour or so of DOTA sessions.
First blood! he he