Thanks Heavens for another dating spree!
SM Megamall has never been this special and hot than ever before - or is she really is the cause of global warming! ha ha
Shes just getting better and lovelier every time our toes step our best foot forward. This time it's "destination SM Megamall."We attended the Holy Mass, then few more steps with her to some computer stores looking for her exotic and highly divergent taste for a laptop unit. To no avail few ones will be coming through order - ten units minimum. ha ha ha
I just enjoyed it if I ask myself what did I get. I guess we have the same wavelength stretch.
And I guess it's time for the "moves." Next time will be the flag down on the moon! lol AMDG
Thanks God for the Angry Birds, they took my anger away!
I consider Angry Birds as comical child-stuff gaming sensation - the interface and graphics says so - or perhaps I'm just fund of playing highly competitive and sophisticated games.
Secondly, Angry Birds is actually a stress catalyst. It alleviates my stress with few shots pinning chunks of woods, piles of glasses, rubles of bricks and of course the nasty egg-sucker pigs! ha ha ha
I guess Angry Birds is so popular already that I can see them every where; from t-shirts to stuff toys to the sellers - they look like angry birds too! lol.
I ask myself why this has been a big hit in the gaming enterprise. One of the site's assessment is the what they call "engagement." More than anything else - like user interface, graphics, sounds and controls - but it's a conglomeration of everything. But the word that heralds triumphantly in the birdy-tweet's platform is "engage."
For further elaboration on why Angry Birds is so popular, click HERE.
But my own assessment goes like these:
* Angry Birds has the what we call "beauty in simplicity." The graphic is I use the term engaging! Yeah, engaging. At first blush, you know that what appears on your monitor is a game. It attracts considerable very young audiences, young and young-at-heart - and it is. Interestingly enough, this game gives the players willies of their life.
* The game's user controls and interface in somewhat "laid-back." Give me a kick on the butt if I'm wrong in saying that it has more than one or two gameplay controls - if I'm right and you're wrong - then I'll give you one on the balls! lol. As long as the player knows what a piece of mouse in a computer is, then the game is on rolling with the pigs.
* Angry Birds is a very casual game. Just like the popular Plant's VS Zombies they are the slack-time redeemer of office slackers and overhead compounding employees, ha ha. It is an ever favorite pinky workout of secretaries and other clerical office workers - me too. lol.
This one's too literal, though. * Child friendly. One of the best feature of Angry Birds. I've been playing DOTA, versions of Counter-strike, Unreal Tournament etc...and they are horrendously somewhat morbid and gruesome. This is friendly as long as your kids stays on the rule, rather than make your mobile or laptop as peons instead the birds.
* Of course with the simplicity (as obvious to the users but not to the engineers) of the game comes mobility and lightweight payload to the pc unit or some other gadgets. We have portable versions already of Angry Birds. Try HERE. Unless link has been denied or removed.
* The game is simply CATCHY. Perhaps, even the editors and programmers haven't expected public gaming reception this big. Who would expect that those itsy-bitsy teenyweeny figures catch up millions of eyes and billions of hours.
All in and all, Angry Birds took the center stage of "beauty in simplicity." It took the center of gravity of every man's gaming instinct - wild or tamed.P.S. If your boss caught you playing, immediately give him a nice shot...bang! ha ha ha